Tips for Building a Strong Foundation for Work-Life Balance

Operating a contracting business can become a 24/7 endeavor—and a recipe for burnout if you’re not careful. While your healthy ratio of work to personal life may differ from someone else’s, the keys to achieving work-life balance are the same.

1. Set boundaries.
Avoid bringing work home with you and set your business phone aside when spending time with family and friends.

2. Get organized.
Keep paperwork, electronic files, and your schedule in good order. This will help you manage time more effectively, boost your productivity, and reduce stress.

3. Delegate tasks.
While you may feel like you have to control everything, remember that you’ve hired capable people with the skills and knowledge to lighten your load.

4. Prioritize self-care.
Look out for your mental and physical health by carving out time to do something (e.g., work out, pray, read, etc.) that fulfills and relaxes you.

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