Considerations for Comparing Composite Decking
March 21, 2024 Price alone doesn’t determine the ideal product for a project—composite decking is no exception. These key points about the main categories of decking board can help your customers make an informed choice.
Basic ($)
Products in this category have lower prices. The typical trade-offs include limited color choices, an artificial look (strong grain patterns embossed into the surface), thinner or narrower boards with only one side suitable for the deck’s surface.
Mid-range ($$)
These products generally have more color options and subtler grain patterns embossed into the surface for a more natural look. Usually, both sides of the board are usable. Price points are higher than basic products but lower than premium decking.
Premium ($$$)
Premium products cost more, but they have several advantages. Benefits include more expansive color choices; a natural wood aesthetic (with grains and patterns enhanced with colored pigments); and resistance to fading, scratching, and staining.
When comparing features and prices, customers should consider how they will use their deck, how exposed their deck will be to the sun and inclement weather, the brand’s reputation, and warranties.
Have questions about any of our decking products? Call or email us!