Breaking News: An Uncertain Future for Clubhouse® Decking

We’ve recently learned that Tapco, the manufacturer of Clubhouse® decking, plans to discontinue the Club-house product line. A press release revealed that Tapco is exiting the decking and railing market so it can focus on other building categories.

The Not-so-good News

The timeline for when Clubhouse decking will no longer be available from Tapco isn’t clear, nor is whether another company might acquire that product line and continue it. Either way, we anticipate some difficulties or delays in ordering Clubhouse decking products.

The Good News

Even though the future remains uncertain for Clubhouse decking, you can rest assured you will still have all your needs met by Homestead Outdoor Products.

We have other high-quality decking material options available, including those from WOLF Home Products, Paldeck®, and Fiberon®.

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